Our unmatched level of expertise in SCADA/HMI, batch development, PLC programming, innovative design and data solutions ensures that your system will improve your process-time and product quality. Whether you need semi- or fully-automatic engineering, synchronous or non-synchronous operating modes, our solutions provide flexible, high-speed machinery to meet your manufacturing or assembly needs. Click button below to download our Capabilities Sheet:
Design, build and validation solutions at E2i, encompass ground up, or retrofit responses utilizing cutting-edge integration and platforms. For accurate, reliable, and repeatable performance, our full-service automation capabilities make sure that downtime is minimal through continuous flow systems. We believe you should not have to sacrifice quality control for speed, or vice versa. What you need is a good set of requirements and with a push of a button, your cost-benefit is realized.
E2i's commitment to industry collaboration and influence continues
Isaac Hayes, E2i's Senior Process Automation Engineer recently shared insights with Thomas Wilk, Editor in Chief, Plant Services magazine. They spoke at length about 3DP, which was timely in the publishing of an article dedicated to the subject. Many industry leaders weighed in. If you are interested, the article can be found here in the Makers Mark, February (2015) issue.